Weekly Chore: Swimming Pool Service
Welcome to living at a home with a swimming pool. In case you were not aware, swimming pool service and maintenance is a weekly chore. By taking the time to maintain your pool weekly, you keep the pool safe, running efficiently and safe eliminate potential pool closures.
Start with the Pool Deck
The first step to pool maintenance is keeping the pool deck clear from organic debris—this includes grass, leaves, bugs, animal feces, etc.
When these organic matters hit the pool deck, they have a greater chance of ending up in the pool between the wind and rain. These organic matters can alter your pool’s pH, meaning a greater demand on chemicals to keep the water chemistry at safe levels for swimming. We encourage everyone to take the time to sweep and clean this area 2 to 3 times per week. Taking a few minutes to do this will save you time in pool brushing and vacuuming along with saving money on chemical expenses.

The Dirty Part of Weekly Swimming Pool Service
To prevent algae blooms, your pool will need to be scrubbed weekly. You will need to clean every area of the pool, this will include:
Steps and ladders to the pool
Tile lines
Corners of the pool
The walls and floor of the pool
Vacuuming the bottom of the floor is also a must. Not only does it collect the visible debris, it also collects any sand, dust or various debris not easily seen from the deck.
Skim the top of the water surface to collect the large and small bits of debris. Unscreened pools should be skimmed at least once per day to collect the large debris.
Empty the skimmer basket as this works to prevent debris flowing into the pump. When the skimmer basket is packed full, enough water may not be flowing through thus causing air intrusion and potential damage to the pump.
Equipment maintenance is essential in protecting the overall function of the pool. Emptying the pump basket should minimally be once a week, more frequently if debris collects their often. The filter and salt cell, if applicable, should cleaned on a routine basis as stated in the manufacturer’s guidelines. Gaskets should be lubricated whenever opened or at least every couple months. Replace gaskets when they have become dry or stretched out.

Chemical Levels for Safe Swimming
One of the most important parts of ensuring your pool is safe to use in checking the chemical levels. You need to test these regularly and make small changes to the chemicals you have in your pool. We recommend you test your pool once per week unless you had significant rainfall or other events that would alter your water during the week. Your testing kit should show you the ranges of where your chemicals are safe. Our recommendations for your levels include the following:
Chlorine: 1.0 – 3.0 ppm
pH: 7.4 – 7.6
Total Alkalinity: 80 – 120 ppm
Calcium Hardness: 200 – 400ppm
Cyanuric Acid: 30 – 50 ppm
Total Dissolved Solids: 500 – 2,000 ppm
Phosphates: 0 ppm
Salt: 2700 – 3400 ppm (*Check manufacturer guidelines for specific high and low salinity values)
Blue Diamond Pool Services is here to help!
Looking to dive into maintaining your pool yourself? Great! We offer comprehensive pool schools to educate you specifically on your pool and equipment.
Realizing that you’re in over your head or just don’t want to add one more chore to your to-do list? Let Blue Diamond Pool Services check that off your list! We offer chemical only services, full services, and customizable services that fit your specific needs. You can trust our experienced professionals to keep your backyard oasis looking great and safe to use. Contact BDPS today for swimming pool services.