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Author: bdpsorlando

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Tennis Ball Hack

Do you know the tennis ball hack for cleaning your swimming pool? There is a good reason why everyone is throwing tennis balls into their swimming pools. Not only are they...

How to Treat Cloudy Water

No one wants to swim in a cloudy pool. Not only is it uninviting, it could be breeding dangerous bacteria while possibly causing damage to your pool and circulation system. Pool...

How to Calculate Pool Capacity

To calculate the capacity of your pool, use one of the following formulas to find the approximate volume in gallons. Rectangular Pool: Length x Width x Average Depth x 7.5 = Volume...

Swimming Lessons for Children

At Blue Diamond Pool Services, we are an advocate for water safety in and around the pool. Starting a child young with survival swimming lessons is the most effective and...

DE Filter Break & Clean

Our latest DE Break and Clean before and afters in Longwood, FL. System opened up.Internal unit of DE system.Dirty and showing signs of damage to grids.More damage.Grids cleaned and inspected.It was...